Supporting U.S. national security & foreign policy priorities
BridgeUSA participants take home positive impressions of the United States - 9 out of 10 program alumni report a more favorable view of the U.S. These university students and young professionals move into a broad range of professions in their home countries where they are likely to be influencers. Their exchange experiences create a foundation for positive relationships and trust with our country, equipping these future leaders with favorable impressions of America, firsthand experience with American business practices and American families, and improved English skills.
Participants are university students, recent graduates, and young professionals from around the world. They are the future business, political, and civil society leaders of their countries.
9 out of 10 have a better view of the U.S.
More than 90% of all BridgeUSA alumni report a more positive view of the U.S. following their programs.
Since 2000, more than 6.5 million students and young professionals from around the world have experienced American culture and values through the BridgeUSA program.
1 in 3 world leaders is an exchange program alum
One in three current world leaders is an alumnus of a Department of State international exchange program.

Helping American small businesses, families, and communities
BridgeUSA engage American businesses, summer camps, education institutions, and families as hosts.
The Summer Work Travel (SWT) Program helps local businesses—many of them small and family-operated, and almost all in tourist locations—to fulfill short-term, high-volume needs during peak seasons and the shoulder seasons (before Memorial Day and after Labor Day).
The Au Pair Program provides a valuable option for hardworking American families looking for quality, culturally enriching childcare.
The Camp Counselor Program places young people from around the world at American summer camps, providing a culturally enriching and memorable experience for young American campers.
The Intern and Trainee Programs allow American host businesses to train their American workforce to operate in the global economy, as well as to create new business connections in new countries.
The Teacher Program provides international teachers with an opportunity to contribute unique teaching styles at American schools while pursuing professional development and enabling young Americans develop skills that foster good citizenship.
The High (Secondary) School Program places the best and brightest international students in high schools and with American host families, promoting the global competency of U.S. students throughout the country.
$40 billion contributed to the u.s. economy
BridgeUSA participants contribute to local American economies, spending their personal funds on living expenses, travel, shopping, and more. Summer Work Travel (SWT) students alone contributed $509 million to the U.S. Economy in 2016. More than one million international students who studied at U.S. colleges and universities during the 2022-2023 academic year contributed more than $40 billion to the U.S. economy.
9 out of 10 hosts say exchanges increase business
More than 90% of Summer Work Travel (SWT) hosts reported that the BridgeUSA participants they host enhance their businesses. 86% of Intern and Trainee hosts say that staff with more international expertise increases their business.
450,000 American Jobs created
BridgeUSA participants supplement and sustain the existing American workforce in seasonal areas. They are placed in tourist destinations with already high American employment rates. International students at U.S. colleges and universities supported more than 368,000 jobs during the 2022-2023 academic year.
50% of businesses would lose revenue
Half of Summer Work Travel (SWT) hosts said they would lose critical seasonal revenue without BridgeUSA participants.
Facilitating a 360° cultural exchange
By living in the U.S. and interacting with Americans on a daily basis, international students and young professionals learn firsthand about American culture and customs. Their programs also allow Americans to learn about the international visitors and their countries and cultures, fostering mutual respect and understanding. The fundamental purpose of BridgeUSA programs is to encourage meaningful interactions between visiting participants and Americans.
Work is an integral part of the cultural experience. International students and professionals learn about American free market business practices and a transparent work culture, interact with American co-workers and customers, improve their English language skills, and in the process, many earn money to help defray the cost of their travels throughout the U.S. Outside of their work hours, participants further learn about American culture by getting involved in their communities, engaging in volunteer and leadership activities, and traveling and sightseeing. They gain a broader cultural understanding of the U.S., its customs, and its values.
96% share their culture
96% of participants reported sharing their own culture with Americans.
95% make friends with Americans
95% of participants reported making friends with Americans, and 88% reported keeping in touch with American friends after returning home.
9 out of 10 seek cultural exchange
91% of participants reported cultural exchange as their top reason for participating in BridgeUSA programs.