Show your support for BridgeUSA programs by joining Americans for Cultural Exchange!
We are American businesses, camps, families, chambers of commerce, academic institutions, associations, and community leaders, and we are advocating for strong and thriving international cultural exchange programs, especially the BridgeUSA Summer Work Travel, Intern, Trainee, Camp Counselor, Au Pair, Teacher, and High School programs. We ask our leaders to support these and other cultural exchange programs. We are committed to the efficacy of BridgeUSA programs, and strongly believe that our country should not only maintain them, but also grow them in the future.
Read the Americans for Cultural Exchange BridgeUSA Support Statement.
*By signing on to the Americans for Cultural Exchange initiative, you are supporting the Department of State's BridgeUSA, also known as the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program.
Coalition members must be based in the United States.
Host business, organization, association, academic institution, or office names, city, and state will be listed on this website.
Host family information will not be listed on the website.
All personally identifiable information will be kept confidential.

Americans for Cultural Exchange is an organizing initiative of American businesses, families, chambers of commerce, business and trade associations, academic institutions, and community leaders who embrace and support J-1 international exchange programs. We're mobilizing to advocate for international exchange programs, including strong and continued Summer Work Travel, Intern, Trainee, Camp Counselor, Au Pair, Teacher, and High School exchanges. The initiative is coordinated by the Alliance for International Exchange.